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Playoff Tickets on Sale Now!!!
Play-off tickets are available now! The Bellies will take on the Langley Thunder in the best-of-seven finals, with New Westminster hosting games 1 (Aug 16) and 3 (Aug 20). If needed, games 5 and 7 will also be played at Queen's Park. All games begin at 7:30.
Tickets for New West home games are available on-line and at the door. On-line sales end at 7:40 on game nights. Seats are general admission, except for season ticket holders (who may use their regularly marked seats if they purchase a paid playoff admission.)
Games 2 and 4 will be held in Langley and tickets must be purchased through the Thunder's website and ticket window.
Prices are Adults $20, Seniors and Youth $15, Children $10.
The Bellies are powered by Stonehaus Realty!